Thursday 5 August 2010


For years, I've been protesting against the "Church" of Scientology, I thought i'd share some valuable information about the cult with the internet.

First off, Scientology was founded by a Sci-Fi writer called L. Ron Hubbard. The "Creation Story" for want of a better expression, runs along these lines;

Xenu, the dictator of the "Glactic Confederacy" brought millions of his people to Earth, 75 million years ago. Once he'd arrived, he stacked them round volcanoes, and blew them up with Hydrogen bombs. The "Souls" of these people, called "Thetans" remained, and were forced to watch a 3D motion picture for 36 days, and now form around modern people, causing them spiritual harm.

Of course, Scientologists deny this, for fear of the public not being able to take them seriously.
And, really, who would take them seriously? Souls being forced to watch a 3D motion picture for 36 days?

These are the facts. This IS the Scientologists creation story. However, you can't just walk into a "church" of Scientology and learn this. Oh no, you have to undergo the "Auditing" phase. These go by the names of Operating Thetans (OT) levels. These ascend from OTI to OT VIII. Before you even get to the OT levels, you have to achive the "Clear" level. The most basic in the ladder. "Clear" is when you tell pretty much everything to Scientology, even things that could be used (and often is) used for blackmail.

You may think this is easy. Oh no. You have to pay for the Auditing. Costs can vary considerably depending upon the needs of the individual, but a rough estimate suggests you’ll be paying £80,665.60 to reach Clear, another £20,796.60 to reach OT III, and an additional £63,020 to £81,926 to reach OT VIII.

This is just the beginning. Many cases of the maltreatment of their believers have come to light.

This is just one.
Scientology is a sinister mudering machine, robbing people of their money, and destroying their lives.

Read this, and think.

Tuesday 8 June 2010

How much?!

After veiwing my friend James's blog, an Embed of the US spending on the war in Iraq caught my eye.

This lead me to wonder, how much is this pointless conflict costing us? So I decided to find out.

Before I go any further into explainations, I shall go off at a tangent, to draw your attention to a fact that I want you to bear in mind whilst reading this post.

I was watching a documentary earlier on today about the Veitnam war. They were highlighting a Battalion of US marines, called the Black Lions, and their story. Towards the end of the film, some of the veterans were explain their first major "Battle" in that area, along with some really ineresting accounts from Veit Cong Veterans. The point i'd like to make, is the Americans were massacred, losing 64 men out of 130 and everyone else injuired and the government put on a huge spin about how many men there were, and what actually happened that day.

If this is how governments inform the public is conflicts, then imagine what could be happening in this one.

Alot of people refer to this as "The war in Iraq". I've studied countless wars over the years, and this is no such thing. The opposing government has been overthrown, and their lands seized. All that America and the United Kingdom are doing now is putting down civil unrest, which I understand is going to be difficult, but statistics prove that insurgency levels are not decreasing, but increasing. Is there any point in all of this if no matter how many billions of pounds, and priceless lives we throw at this country, they come back in bigger numbers?

So far the United Kingdom have lost 179 soldiers, and when added to that of the United States and other countries, brings the total of KIA to 4720. This is not even including the number of missing or captured, or wounded and unfit to work. Plus tens of billions of UK pounds and trillions of US dollars.

There are some who say this isn't worth it, and we should pull out immediately, and others who think that we've come this far, we should see it through to the end.

To be honest, I find it quite offensive that people say "This isn't worth it". So what you're saying is that our young men and women are out there, fighting and dying and their lives aren't worth it? And they gave their lives for nothing? But on the other hand, risking more of our soldiers seems pointless and stupid.

It's my opinion that we should help set up their government, then get the fuck out of there before more of our boys are put at risk.

That's my opinion.

Sunday 30 May 2010

The Interwebz.

It's time for another post!

The internet is a really marevllous creation for all it's worth. Bringing people together, furthering businesses, and generally being an epic win.

Unfortunatly, there is a snag. Alot of the younger generations, are using it as their sole way of communicating with others. This is what I find worrying. I mean, sure, it's okay to get online and chat to people on facebook, tagged or whatever you have. But on everyday? Doing nothing else? This is just sad.

Another really irritating thing is, on alot of chat sites, the majority of the people are so unbearably stupid. Not understanding the concept of irony or even sarcasm. This is just their use of the english language. General knowledge is comepletely awful as well, not knowing basic science, or geography (someone actually thought "/facepalm" was a city). When asked a simple question, the most frequent answer was "Wat do u mean" (the simple question was "Are you fucking stupid?")

The frequency of Trolls is rediculous as well. For those of you that don't know, a Troll is often found lurking in chatrooms or on imageboards (For example, the /b/ board on the 4chan site) trying to upset, or irritate the general public. This is usually accomplised by being racist, arrogant and ignorant. Not exactly a productive past-time.

For the most part, the internet is a wonderous invention, but there are the fat assed, stupid children who get on it because they have no idea how to make friends in reality.

First Post.

Well, it's all a bit fucked really.

Just take a step back from your armchairs, office chairs, or whatever you happen to be sitting on right now, and take a good long look at this country.The economy is spiralling out of control, we have some fat, bloated middleclass focused moron as our countries "Leader", obesity is increasing faster than ever before and teenage pregnancies are also on the increase.

The fist point i'd like to highlight is the pathetic excuse we call a Prime Minister. I read a book once, that highlighted a very valid point in my opinion.

"The people who want power, are the people least suitable to rule" and I think this is very true. Unfortunatly, it's the people that want power that get it in reality. The abhorrent power bitching by all the political parties of this once fair nation is all them more evidence to back up that little quote. It's almost amusing to see men and women that we apparently hold in such high esteem reduced to childish bickering, trying to win over the british public, just to get the "Top Spot". Surely, if this is democracy, then pressure should not be put on the public to vote a certain way.

I only recently had my eighteenth birthday, and what I thought was astounding, that amongst the cards I received, was a "VOTE FOR CHANGE" leaflet. They don't waste any time do they these tories? They spring on you like a tiger that's been starved for three weeks. Needless to say, I put it in the recyling straight away. Good riddance to bad rubbish and all that malarky. I was interested to know that our local MP was one Bob Walter. An even more interesting fact, was that he was reported in "Private Eye" to be "The most invisible MP in parliament". Meaning, he sat at the back and did fuck all, getting fat off his "Expenses" whilst not giving about a shit about the people he was meant to representing.

One of the problems, is the general publics fear of their vote benig wasted. "Oh shit, if I vote for who I want, it won't make any difference so i'll vote for the people who I know will win just to tip the scale." Well, maybe, if you ALL voted the way you wanted, we wouldn't be stuck with this jumped up, arrogant middle-class obsessed fuckwit. Of course, that's all very well if you're middle class. You'll be sitting happy as a python that's just found 4 years worth of mice under a log. Unfortunatly, the rest of britain will suffer. But that's obviously not your problem is it?