Sunday, 30 May 2010

The Interwebz.

It's time for another post!

The internet is a really marevllous creation for all it's worth. Bringing people together, furthering businesses, and generally being an epic win.

Unfortunatly, there is a snag. Alot of the younger generations, are using it as their sole way of communicating with others. This is what I find worrying. I mean, sure, it's okay to get online and chat to people on facebook, tagged or whatever you have. But on everyday? Doing nothing else? This is just sad.

Another really irritating thing is, on alot of chat sites, the majority of the people are so unbearably stupid. Not understanding the concept of irony or even sarcasm. This is just their use of the english language. General knowledge is comepletely awful as well, not knowing basic science, or geography (someone actually thought "/facepalm" was a city). When asked a simple question, the most frequent answer was "Wat do u mean" (the simple question was "Are you fucking stupid?")

The frequency of Trolls is rediculous as well. For those of you that don't know, a Troll is often found lurking in chatrooms or on imageboards (For example, the /b/ board on the 4chan site) trying to upset, or irritate the general public. This is usually accomplised by being racist, arrogant and ignorant. Not exactly a productive past-time.

For the most part, the internet is a wonderous invention, but there are the fat assed, stupid children who get on it because they have no idea how to make friends in reality.

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